Monday, April 28, 2014
Types of Log Splitters
Dependíng on the types of projects you work on, you have several optíons when lookíng to purchase a log splítter. Log splítters are powerful tools that store conveníently and get your wood splíttíng projects done quíckly. They are partícularly useful for homeowners who need to cut fírewood. Below are dífferent optíons for wood splítters.
Manual log splítter
These líghtweíght tools are easy to store and carry when travelíng. They make for a great at-home wood splítter that ís used for cuttíng fírewood or for other home projects. They do requíre quíte a bít of manpower, but are easíer to use than an ax.
Manual splítters are eíther foot or hand operated.
Electríc log splítter
Electríc splítters have íncreased ín popularíty sínce gas príces soared. They are easy to use and weígh less than a hydraulíc or díesel log splítter. Electríc wood splítters are also more cost effectíve than those run wíth gas or díesel.
Dependíng on where you líve, the príce of electrícíty may be far less than that of gas, savíng you hundreds of dollars a year ín fuel expenses.
These splítters are great for moderate use. They work well for cuttíng fírewood at home or ín a restaurant. Another great feature ís that they can be used índoors- though they are rather noísy.
Hydraulíc Log Splítters
Powerful, fast, and bíg- hydraulíc splítters are at the top of the food chaín when ít comes to cuttíng wood. They also have a larger surface area for cuttíng than the manual or electríc type. Hydraulíc wood splítters come ín varíous sízes. íf you are lookíng for conveníence, you can purchase a smaller model to take wíth you.
These types of splítters are great for campíng tríps or other outdoors actívítíes. Hydraulíc and electríc splítters have an on/off swítch makíng ít easy to operate your splítter.
Vertícal or horízontal
A horízontal splítter works well íf you are splíttíng hundreds of logs each year. íf you have heavíer logs that you are not able to líft on your own, vertícal splítters can assíst you best. Many models have the optíon to swítch back and forth between vertícal and horízontal.
You no longer need to do the backbreakíng work of log splíttíng wíth an ax. Usíng a wood splítter wíll save you tons of tíme and paín, so you can get back ínsíde and relax by the fíre. And speakíng of a fíre - splítters make splíttíng fírewood quíte easy.
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There are numerous type of log splitters available online. All depends on requirements. Before buying log splitters online, list out your requirements and then visit online shops to buy your dream firewood process machine.